Non Surgical Weight Loss Procedures: What Are Your Options?

Have you ever wanted to lose weight and believed you were completely committed to the process?

You researched facts, gathered diet information, downloaded apps and were already counting down the days for that new outfit.

Fast forward 4-6 weeks and you are discouraged, hungry, and still overweight.

Traditional weight loss plans using restrictive diet meals and strenuous exercise can work if followed consistently. The problem is many people struggle with maintaining that long enough to actually see results.

Popular fad diets sound good in the short term but are also difficult to manage and many are unhealthy.

Fortunately, great advancements have been made in the area of non-surgical weight loss procedures; specifically with gastric balloons. They are less expensive, non-permanent, and with a higher success rate.

Let’s explore all the benefits of this option.

Why Traditional Weight Loss Fails

The weight loss cycle can be exhausting and often unsuccessful. There are many reasons why these tactics fall short of the goal.

Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise have long been regarded as the most common approach to weight loss. Reduce the intake of food and restrict the foods you do consume. This is then coupled with strenuous exercise to burn calories and fat.

Dieting is just plain hard. Resisting foods when we are hungry seems almost impossible at the moment. Without a long term commitment, new habits are not established.

Exercise is often difficult to begin for someone already in relatively poor physical condition. It is even more challenging when someone is overweight and out of shape.

When you combine an empty stomach with feeling exhausted it is easy to see why so many people fail at this weight loss plan. Many just do not have the willpower to keep up this regiment long enough to see actual results.

Fad Diets

There are almost as many fad diets as there are dieters. Every day or so a new one springs up. They are called a fad for a reason.

A fad diet usually sounds trendy and almost all of them promise quick and dramatic results.

The problem is most of them are very food restrictive. In addition, many nutrients are missing. If followed exactly, initial weight loss may be experienced, however, they are not always healthy and in some cases can actually be dangerous.

In addition, they are almost also impossible to maintain.

A balanced food plan with necessary vitamins and minerals is essential for long term health and weight management.

Weight Loss Surgery

One of the most dramatic ways to lose weight is through weight loss surgery. This can involve removing part of the stomach or banding a portion of it off.

Many of these procedures involve an in-hospital stay with lengthy recovery time. There is also an increased risk of rejection or infection. It is a permanent situation unless the patient has it all undone with the same possible dangers.

What Is an Intragastric Balloon

An intragastric balloon is a durable, soft balloon device that is inserted directly into your stomach through your esophagus. It is then inflated and fits safety within the stomach until removed. It creates volume and the sensation of having already eaten.

For the period of time, the balloon remains in your stomach, you will automatically eat less food because your body is tricked into feeling full.

The balloon creates automatic portion size control until your body and food plan adjusts on its own. With this weight loss procedure, you never feel deprived of food and this goes a long way in helping control the amount of food you do consume.

The Process

This is a simple, non-evasive weight loss procedure. As the patient, you would be mildly sedated so there is little or no discomfort. A deflated balloon is inserted into your stomach through your mouth and down the esophagus. The balloon is then filled with a saline solution that is roughly the size of a grapefruit.

The entire process is completed in about thirty minutes and most people are able to go home that same day.

This procedure uses no incisions or stitches. There is no healing time required and no lasting scars.

The balloon is left in the stomach for six months and then carefully removed using the same type of procedure. This allows time for your body to adjust to new eating patterns and establish a more nutritious diet habit.

This is not a permanent fixture inside your body. It is a short term, non-invasive jump start to your weight loss.

Why It Works

As previously mentioned, the saline-filled balloon creates a feeling of fullness within the stomach. It is much easier to follow a sensible and nutritious diet plan when you do not feel hungry all the time. The weight loss will begin almost immediately.

Maintaining healthy food choices is the key to weight loss. This needs to be a life long goal to keep the weight off. Being able to stick to a healthy meal plan starts with feeling successful and seeing results.

Once the weight starts to drop, your energy levels will rise. This gives the incentive to start and stick with an exercise program. This is a vital element to the overall success of the process.

After Care for Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

As with any medical procedure, the aftercare is extremely important to the overall success rate.

Nutritional education will be provided to ensure the weight loss is maintained and more importantly, you are healthy and receive the proper vitamins and nourishment.

An exercise plan will be formulated just for you. Following this will build stamina and strengthen your core. You will also receive information on adjusting your mindset to allow for life long healthy changes.

The Bottom Line

Millions of people struggle with wanting to lose weight. So many don’t even know where to start. Non-surgical weight loss procedures are a great option to explore for quick and sustainable weight loss.

For more information on the benefits and long term success with an intragastric balloon, reach out.