Look Ma, No Stitches! 8 Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options

Have you been struggling to lose weight but the idea of undergoing surgery doesn’t excite you?

Losing weight shouldn’t be expensive and daunting as most people think. The process doesn’t have to involve complex procedures that will leave you in pain.

Be willing to try out different weight loss options rather than surgery.

Discussed below are some of the non-surgical options/practices you may consider.

1. Medication as One of the Weight Loss Options

Weight loss medications are among the medical weight loss options designed to control or reduce weight.

When consumed, weight loss medications help regulate weight by altering calorie absorption or appetite. They speed up metabolic rates in the body and prevent the body from absorbing certain food nutrients.

The FDA approved Orlistat for long term use on patients seeking to lose weight. The drug focuses on reducing the amount of fat absorbed in the intestines.

Anti-obesity drugs have potential side effects. You’ll need a prescription to take those that suit your specific weight loss goals.

2. Stomach Balloon for Weight Loss

Stomach balloons are soft in texture to comfortably fit in your stomach. They’re among the non surgical weight loss options that give you more control over your health goals.

You’ll have one inserted through your mouth after being given a sedative. Once the deflated balloon is in the stomach, a safe saline solution is used to fill it.

The procedure for having the balloon inserted in your belly takes 20 to 30 minutes. The balloon remains in your stomach for up to six months.

Expect it to help regulate your calorie intake with a goal of enabling you to shed weight.

3. Stress Management

When stressed, your body will release hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline. Your appetite will rapidly increase if hormone cortisol remains in your bloodstream for long.

You’ll eat more in reaction to these hormonal changes. Some people even choose food to fight stress without evaluating the consequences.

Stress management is among the weight loss options without surgery you can consider.

An 8-week intervention program for managing stress can help reduce your body mass index.

For the program to be effective, it should include methods such as meditation and yoga. Breathing and relaxation methods may help you manage stress.

4. Diet and Nutrition

Most of the non surgical weight loss options leave you either hungry or unsatisfied. With the right diet, you can reduce your appetite. You’ll experience some improvement on your metabolic health too.

Your diet should have fewer starches and sugars.

Starches and sugars are usually stored in the body as fat when consumed in plenty. They increase the production of insulin and make you bloated. A low-carb diet helps lower your appetite and insulin levels for you to lose weight without feeling hungry.

Include healthy fat, protein, and vegetables in your meals. High protein diets (made of fish, beef or eggs) can reduce food cravings or obsessive food thoughts.

Low-carb vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, kale, and spinach are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. Health fat sources to consider include butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, and olive oil.

5. Intermittent Fasting

With intermittent fasting, you’ll take meals within a short timeframe and have short-term fasts. This approach may last up to twenty-four weeks for you to see the results.

One of the intermittent fasting methods involves fasting on two random days every week. Consume 500 to 600 calories during these fasting days.
You may choose to fast for 16 hours with an 8-hour window for eating.

Depending on your schedule, the 8-hour window may range between 12PM to 8PM. You’ll end up taking fewer calories and shedding weight with this approach.

Avoid over-eating by developing a healthy eating pattern during the non-fasting days.

Track everything you eat/drink during your non-fasting days on a food tracking app or journal. Such an approach allows you to be accountable for your weight loss goals.

6. Water Consumption

Hydration helps regulate body weight by facilitating muscle function and digestion. Water can suppress appetite and increase your body’s ability to burn calories.

Consider drinking some water every day for your body to avoid retaining waste. Taking water before, during or after your workouts may help you achieve your fitness goals.

7. Consistent Physical Exercises

Physical exercise is among the nonsurgical weight loss options you should try. Some of the best weight loss exercises include lunges, burpees, explosive lunges, squats, and double jump.

They get your heart rates up and keep your muscles activated. You get to increase your mass and burn calories when undertaking them.

8. Adequate Sleep

A National Institute of Health study found out that there’s a link between sleep and obesity.

The research revealed that a 5 to 6-hour sleep every night helps reduce the incidence of obesity. Poor-quality sleep may increase the insulin and cortisol levels. An increase in insulin in the body may prompt the storage of fats.

Low-quality sleep reduces your body’s ability to undertake metabolism. In this case, it will take time to have calories converted to energy. Low metabolic rates trigger your body to preserve the remaining energy in the form of fat.

Sleep affects your body’s ability to regulate appetite-controlling hormones ghrelin and leptin. Hormone leptin works by sending signals, which confirm that you’re full, to the brain. You won’t have to take more food once the brain receives these signals.

Inadequate sleep can make you have an increased appetite since these hormones won’t be working at optimal.

Set Yourself Up to Losing Weight Naturally

The most painless way to shed or maintain weight is to eat a nutritious and balanced diet. Stomach balls, anti-obesity medications, and stress management programs can help too.

Follow a strict plan when considering any of the weight loss options discussed above.

We’re a weight loss company serving residents of Tampa Bay and Lakeland & Plant City areas. Our non surgical weight loss treatments are proven and effective.

Request a free consultation from us to begin your weight loss journey.